Deutschland und Europa entwickeln sich mit ihrem pluralistischenCharakter immer mehr zu einer mul...
Business ethics are more than moral values and principles that determine our conduct in the busin...
In recent years, enzymes have been recognized as powerful tools for the synthesis and modificatio...
The advent of modern printing and copying technologies has revolutionized the way we disseminate ...
Adaptive Scanning for Mobile Wireless Body Area Networks: Enhancing Healthcare Connectivity Mobil...
As our global population continues to age, aging health challenges become increasingly prominent ...
Resource assessment is the primary and essential exercise towards project evaluation. In renewabl...
Total Synthesis of Natural & Imagined Molecules by Showkat Rashid is a comprehensive book that de...
Pineapple fiber-based green composites with thermoset polymers have emerged as a sustainable and ...
'Thermogenic Molecules: Dietary Conversion of Adipose Tissue' by Anusha Jahagirdar is a comprehen...
In the last decade, social media has emerged as a front-runner as a communication medium that all...
Seit Anfang des Jahres 2020 hält die Corona-Pandemie die Welt in Atem. Gab es zu Beginn der Pande...