'The Fortunes of Philippa' is a the story of a young south-American girl called Philippa whose fa...
'A Pair of Schoolgirls' is a 1912 fictional story by English author Angela Brazil. It follows the...
'Monitress Merle' is a charming and highly-entertaining story revolving around the coming-of-age ...
'The Third Class at Miss Kaye'' is a classic girls' story by English author Angela Brazil. Much l...
'The School by the Sea' is a classic school girls' novel by master of the genre, Angela Brazil. S...
'The Jolliest School of All' is a 1922 novel by English author Angela Brazil. As with all of her ...
This is the story of Aldred Laurence, an attractive and bright fourteen-year-old girl who has jus...
First published in 1921, 'The Princess of the School' is a classic school girl's story by master ...
'The New Girl at St. Chad's' is a 1912 fictional story by English writer Angela Brazil. Another c...