It is generally a good idea to return to the classics in any genre. This also goes for UFO litera...
Following the Adamski tradition, one of the most influential contactees of that era was a man nam...
In his book of 1958: The Council of Seven Lights, George van Tassel produced a compilation of com...
TED OWENS: (1920-1987) was born in Indiana, the USA in February 1920. He had a high I.Q. and was ...
In his book of 1958: The Council of Seven Lights, George van Tassel produced a compilation of com...
SPACEVIEWER was a saucer mimeographed newsletterpublished by Bud Kimes, as editor, and F. Park as...
Gloria Lee Byrd(March 22, 1926 - December 3, 1962) was an American airline flight attendant and a...
Before George Adamski, George Van Tassel, Truma Bethurum, Daniel Fry, and others. There was Eugen...
A very rare and hard to find booklet wrote by contactee Michael X. Following the Adamski traditio...
It is generally a good idea to return to the classics in any genre. This also goes for UFO litera...
This book was recovered from the library of the Solar Light Center founded by Tele-thought contac...
Very rare and hard to find booklet from the Dawn of the UFO Age.The 70-page booklet The Voice of ...