From a Letterman to a Better Man depicts the story of the rise and fall of the infamous Dallas Ca...
In How to Build a Strong Black Man, Marvin O'Bryant believes that, as a society, we are distracte...
The purpose of Journey Through the Journals is to inspire people who struggle with the belief tha...
The Inspiration for the Beneath the Scar Movie!Samantha Nicole Allen is the beautiful Mississippi...
A significant person in my life told me that I see the world only in black and white. She told me...
Trina Finley is an Egun, one of many spirits that live in a heavenly realm called The Valley of t...
In inner city Little Rock, Arkansas, three cousins had the grand idea that they would tackle the ...
I Love My Grandma LenaA Story of Love and LossI Love My Grandma Lena is a perfect book to discu...
As mothers, our life's purpose is to provide life lessons to our children as theygrow. From the t...
As mothers, our life's purpose is to provide life lessons to our children as theygrow. From the t...
A Rose Amongst the Weeds is a poignant memoir by Christene Chadwick