On February 9, 2020 in Mexico City, a 25-year-old woman named Ingrid E. V was murdered by her com...
The work Two Donkeys in a War Zone finds its source in a video of the U. S.Army available on Yout...
In Recruit, Tomoko Sawada continues her work on the autoportrait at the heart of contemporary Jap...
The pickle is a recurring figure in Erwin Wurm's work.In 2008, he created an installation titled ...
For several years, Raphaël Barontini has endeavored to give a pictorial, poetic and political vis...
ORDER covers a body of work carried out between 2014 and 2019 in different megacities around the ...
Muddy Dance is a book celebrating the movement of football.The players perform a seemingly choreo...
Filled with colors and tangy memories, PLAY, Philippe Jarrigeon's first monograph, celebrates 15 ...
The eighth instalment in the series of albums by Thomas Mailaender devoted to amateur practices i...
In this subtle sequel of his rearrangement of the Thai adult magazine 'Siam's Guy', Tiane Doan na...
The eighteen landscapes featured in this book were conceived in October 2020 during a photography...
The twenty-one landscapes featured in this book were conceived in March 2022 during a photography...