Everyone has good days and bad days-but for seventeen-year-old Alex Magana, the shifts between de...
Discover the secret to happiness, even in the midst of unpredictable chaos. When life spiraled ou...
Bullying. It often starts young-before children can identify or express what is happening. By und...
Throughout Doug Luffborough's young life, he found himself torn between two masters: the selfish ...
Lori Darley has dedicated her life to embodying the fullest and most authentic expression of the ...
Nadya was nine years old when Lori and Karl Hetzel rescued her from an orphanage deep within Sibe...
When Max was four, he was diagnosed with PDD-NOS-pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise ...
How do you stop a bully? With nearly one third of all school children facing some type of bullyin...
There comes a time in every person's life when darkness creeps in. In these times, we can not all...
Bullying has reached epidemic proportions in this country, with 83% of girls and 79% of boys expe...
As a physician assistant, you'll have a rich and rewarding career, as well as being in a position...
Estimated to occur once in every 15,000 births, Prader-Willi Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder ...