Trouble precedes Ardis Cole to the site of a Han Dynasty tomb in China. Dr. Yong Po, who has aske...
Jamie stands on the summit, surveying the scenelooking down, far below, to a forest of green.Sinc...
A troubled teenager, Jenna Carrington, leaves her father a note to consider me dead before she ru...
Decoding College is a slice-of-life, college exposure guide aimed at first-generation college stu...
Echoes of Kansas Past:More Than Just History in the Making'Grandpa Andrews says to know how anoth...
Snoozby and the Great Big Bedtime Battle begins with a day in the life of a young boy named Sam-w...
The Mountain West equation was one of the most successful in the history of the Australian Shephe...
Maggie Rose and Sass explores the differences between two races and the culture of the times. The...
As a young mother faces the challenge of finding help for her son, she learns that there is a sup...
Ardis Cole is summoned to Russia to help Grant Merlin's friend, Nikolai Savik, locate a priceless...
More fascinating tales of mysterious happenings in the Delaware Valley area. Read about authentic...
'There are many changes coming, and you must be prepared. There is nothing that you need to fear....