Edited by Stella Bingham and republished in 2010, Waterhouse on Newspaper Style is still the stan...
A biography of Wales's greatest painter told in conversation with his friends.
Readers of this relaxed, pleasantly meandering memoir will have a pretty entertaining time themse...
Described by Roy Greenslade in the Guardian as 'the tireless archivist of Fleet Street memories (...
Keith Waterhouse is very particular about what lunch is not: 'It is not prawn cocktail, steak and...
A hard-headed but often hilarious guide to the pleasures and pitfalls of travel by one of Britain...
There was no crime on the Mediterranean island of Montebello.Occasionally, it was necessary for s...
Cassandra - At His Finest and Funniest
Reporting the Middle East 1967-2008, for The Guardian, Observer, and international newspapers, by...
Arnie Wilson started hunting down 'big names' after beinghired by a news agency to telephone titl...