At the Ship & Anchor on 17th Avenue, Drew defends his decision to work on the oil rigs despite th...
The lives of two women are disrupted when Bonnie, an unusual girl from high school, moves to thei...
High Heels for Ken Veals is a coming-of-strength-story about a rowdy tribe of young sisters in a ...
Cyrus lives in Toronto where the gap between rich and poor has created a city of slums, black mar...
A university professor retreats to the Rocky Mountains after a traumatizing incident with a stude...
Laura returns to an amusement park with strong familial ties and meets a young girl, Audrey. Toge...
When Sydney gets the call that there's a pregnant dog named Snow lost in a storm, she sets out in...
When Jacob meets Alex in their 19th-century industrialism class, they learn to love each other in...
Chosen is a contemporary fantasy romance short story featured in a chapbook. In the depths of nig...
Go on a series of journeys, each messier than the last, to meet a cast of Curious Women and Other...
Hildy has a secret. When she meets Ted, a delivery driver with an interest in German literature a...
First heard over a headset, a nineteen-year-old Canadian meets Tacoshop22rl, an American teenager...