Isabella's Journey by Serafina Sammarco is a deeply personal memoir that chronicles the life of a...
Today is a teacher's day. What that means is teachers are free from instructional work, and they ...
This book is for all my fellow teachers out there who enjoy poetry and believe their students wil...
Sophie was sure she would never carry a baby to term. After suffering 2 heartbreaking miscarriage...
Agent 49 is a historical novel based on a true story.It chronicles the journey of a master thief ...
Have you ever felt so desperate or so depressed that you felt like giving up? Be honest, now, did...
After giving his keynote speech at an Information Technology conference in New York City, Vincent...
Someone once said, 'Too soon old, too late smart,' but what if you had the chance to live your en...
Tommy Sanchez, the son of Sitting Bull, the victor at the Battle ofthe Little Big Horn and his ca...
Jason Brown, a bank robber and killer, was comfortable taking anything he wanted. When he made a ...
As Kany, a mineral of phenomenal applications, searched and tracked down throughout the world fro...
Oh what a tangled web we weave....Jill Kelly is an intelligent high school student who knows exac...