Texture is an exploration of the vast landscape of knit fabrics. Known for her simple, timeless d...
'This & That is a continuation of Pam Allen's exploration in designing with alpaca fibers. Her te...
Inspired by the Sparrow and Kestrel linen yarns made by Quince & Company, this collection uses ge...
A mother daughter collection of twelve seamless designs from Gudrun Johnston (aka The Shetland Tr...
The art of making your own hand knits begins with a few simple steps: casting on, the knit stitch...
In Knitbot Essentials, designer Hannah Fettig offers nine of her most popular knitwear designs in...
'The projects in [this book] are proof that, with the right yarn, simple shapes and stitches are ...
Knitbot Linen is a collection of knitting patterns for six unstructured warmer weather knits from...