What sets Jack Mason Carlisle's story apart is the adversity he overcame and the many lives impac...
Kids Make You Do Crazy Things
During this season, the players awake, the preparations are being made. Get ready for spooky holi...
This children's book was inspired by the little African American girls in my family and the exper...
The Estrogen Patch is a fictional romance comedy about a recently divorced woman in her early fif...
Eight-year-old twins Amara and Joseph are introduced to a magical music box. Their mother has dec...
After his wife is killed in a hit and run, Sal tries to cope with the grief and loneliness of his...
This is a true story about a feisty little puppy's search for a true home. It is told from the vi...
Words of Wisdom, Food for Thought is a journey of reflection on ordinary things that touch you on...
In this book you will discover that every life's journey includes a process.The process does not ...
Many people want to know their destiny in life. However, the world only offers heartbreak and dis...
A FEW VERY SPECIAL VERSESIn he beginning God created the Heavens and the EarthAnd the Lord formed...