Journey with Dr. Joktan from his birthplace Saudi Arabia, to his current location in the United S...
Una noche lo cambió todo. El 11 de septiembre de 2001, el joven Ahmed vio a sus primos y tribus a...
One night changed everything. On September 11, 2001, young Ahmed watched his cousins and tribesme...
The book of Joshua is not merely an interesting historical record of the conquest of the Promised...
The subject of the book of Ephesians is vital to your existence on this planet as God's child. Wh...
Malachi is the final book of the 12 Minor Prophets, which the Jewish scholars viewed as one book ...
Ruth the Moabitess broke the tradition of her idolatrous people and her irresponsible ancestor, L...
The book of Hosea is a story of the amazing love of God for us. It is also a salvation story. Hos...
Journey with Dr. Joktan from his birthplace Saudi Arabia, to his current location in the United S...
Peter's theme in his second letter is a simple one: pursue spiritual maturity through the word of...
The message of the book of Acts is an extension of the Lord's great commission. 'Go and make disc...
Philippians is one of Paul's most informal letters. With this church he did not feel the need to ...