Peter is a misfit, an awkward 12-year-old who's mercilessly bullied in school and quietly ignored...
In the aftermath of a devastating loss, Julia finds herself living with her unemployed brother Jo...
Pascal Girard, the Doug Wright Award-winning author of Reunion and Petty Theft, offers a peek at ...
A pair of musicians elope to an isolated cabin for a romantic weekend together, knowing they'll s...
When naive Camillia is invited by her long-lost cousin Frédérique to return to the old manor hous...
'A razor-sharp and often uncomfortable dark comedy that will leave readers... cringing as much as...
Phil wakes up in the middle of a cemetery, only to discover he's been dead for months. Unfortunat...
'A truly outstanding work in minimalist comics.' -Philippe Leblanc, The Comics Beat
They say depression feels like drowning from the inside. Welcome to the aftermath of a mental bre...
Author Michel Hellman meets with his editor Luc Bossé and casually promises to write a sequel to ...