In this special deluxe hardcover, the entire original cast returns. Serena, Blair, Nate, Chuck, a...
Massie Block has long led the Pretty Committee--through boy drama, clique mutinies, and jealous w...
They didn't ask for fame. They were born with it.In the second Daughters novel, The Daughters Bre...
Get out your platinum Montblanc pens, Chloe satchels, and cashmere cardigans: it's a brand new ye...
In the second book starring Westchester County's most privileged middle schoolers, the Clique dec...
Advances in information technology have unlocked groundbreaking levels of personal power. By all ...
Brett Messerschmidt is organizing Waverly Academy's annual holiday ball and secret gift exchange....
Sales Enablement 3.0 Is Both an Art and Science! There are no magical silver bullets or single ap...
Massie Block: Getting back into Octavian Country Day was a piece of sugar-free cake, compared to ...
The wickedly funny fifth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series that inspired the origi...
Poppy the Dog has watched her puppies grow up. Poppy wants each of her pups to explore traditions...
The wickedly funny sixth book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series that inspired the origi...