What was it like to know Jimi Hendrix?Critically-acclaimed documentary filmmaker and author Ai...
Jotham Stein is a Silicon Valley employment lawyer who represents entrepreneurs, C-Suite executiv...
Restaurants Also Serve Food is based on Peter Backman's career-long experience of working with ex...
Planning Instruction for Adult Learners
The modern ecological crisis, now visible in its many symptoms across the global landscape, appea...
How can uncomfortable feelings that seem to prevent us from engaging in political discussion actu...
Delivering Instruction to Adult Learners
A brilliant and highly original examination of the difficult question of how we might think intel...
Communism, Poetry: Communicating Vessels reunites political thought with poetry, its true counter...
A guide to understanding love, and the love of understanding.
Woodstock at 50: Anatomy of a Revolution
Two New Sciences A History of Free Fall