In this inventive and heartfelt take on a dystopian space opera, humanity's last hope comes compl...
Lukas Aguilar finds himself caught in a lethal game of battle and betrayal in which losing means ...
One young man tries to maintain his humanity . . . while controlling the beast within . . . in th...
Hockey players Lincoln, Ari, and Walker are back and ready to spice up Christmas in this hot holi...
A determined young woman struggles to uncover the secrets of the System itself-before the unthink...
In this military SF thriller, a colony on one of Jupiter's moons will either be the last bastion ...
At the onset of an epic holy war, a young vassal will learn: If he wants to play games with gods,...
Two victims of the Tinder Swindler, Cecilie Fjellhøy and Pernilla Sjöholm, recount their stories ...
A laugh-out-loud, slice-of-life martial-arts fantasy about . . . farming
A zero-turned-hero continues his action-packed journey to greatness through a world of magic and ...
A scavenger trapped in a defunct undersea train tunnel struggles to escape as his air supply--and...
In the depths of the ocean, the sorcerer Zambrano and his intern, Bryce, discover Rex, the ancien...