Sue Hamideh's heartwarming tribute to her late husband and his remarkable family-from its roots i...
McIntosh Summer is set in 1933, location Georgia. This young adult historical fiction based on Ch...
A Catholic girl and a Jewish boy training for a triathlon, search for clues to solve the mystery ...
Missing persons, tormented souls, and everlasting friendships bind the living and the dead.Life h...
'Are you there, Ama?' In 'Diamonds at Dawn,' seventeen-year old Ahzi Toadlena is adrift, and has ...
Who was King Arthur? That question has delighted, inspired, and confounded people for centuries. ...
Members of The Order of the Saltire in Europe are captured, but who took them and why? The Order ...
In a world filled with injustice, there are some willing to commit everything so justice will pre...
Since the creation of the world, the disobedient gods have pit man against one another for their ...
They're coming! Brilynn saved her family, her town, and her world when she convinced The Seed to ...
Tom Anderson and the Knights of the Order of the Saltire are facing a crisis. The country is safe...
Cracks in the Ice received the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval and is a Selah Book Award ...