In her newest feat of poetic innovation, Amy Newman wanders the lives of mid-century poetry immor...
In Ridiculous Light, Valencia Robin captures the everyday and the ecstatic in a voice all her own...
A fast-paced story of Irish history and immigrant life in turn-of-the-century New Yorkand of a bo...
Thiscollection, winner of the 2014 Lexi Rudnitsky Editor's Choice Award, furtherestablishes Shane...
This masterwork of American immigrant literature is set in the 1920s on the Lower East Side of Ma...
It's 1901. Marisia and her family flee Poland ahead of the czar's soldiers. But when they arrive ...
In Katie Estill's beautifully written and riveting first novel, the young American protagonist, S...
This sequence of 12 linked stories portrays the Americanization of the Lau family, and especially...
Sappho meets Springsteen in Insecurity System by Sara Wainscott, a wry exploration of memory, mot...
Set in New York City in the 1950s and 1960s, this is the coming-of-age story of Hector Santinio, ...
Uncommon Prayer is a book about desire, and about the ways in which desire can and cannot be expr...
In Soft Launch, Aaron Belz takes what might seem normal to other people-a 1 3 full bottle of Prel...