In the classic French novel The Passionate Epicure, Marcel Rouff introduces Dodin-Bouffant, a cha...
This unique collection of Twain s essential short stories and semiautobiographical narratives is ...
Edited by Nahum N. GlatzerWith a new Foreword by Rodger Kamenetz 'The question I put before you, ...
Tracing an awe-inspiring oceanic route from Boston, around Cape Horn, to the California coast, Tw...
Edited and with an Introduction by Frank KermodeA Woman Killed with Kindness by Thomas HeywoodVol...
Who made God? Can God hear my prayers? Why does God let people die? The author of When Bad Things...
Edited by William Kerrigan, John Rumrich, and Stephen M. Fallon Derived from the Modern Library's...
Since the remarkable success of Maria Montessori's first school ninety years ago, her theories ha...
Joyce Carol Oates's Wonderland Quartet comprises four remarkable novels that explore social class...
'The boastful, unstable Toad, the hospitable Water Rat, the shy, wise, childlike Badger, and the ...
Selected by the Modern Library as one of the 100 best novels of all timeThe Way of All Flesh is o...
'These stories will last,' said Raymond Carver of Shiloh and Other Stories when it was first publ...