A stunning YA fantasy with heart, humour, and otherworldly political intrigue. Fans of Michelle M...
Wren Handman's exciting sequel to In Restless Dreams will dazzle fans of Michelle Madow, Elise Ko...
Fans of Terry Pratchett and Shane Kuhn's THE INTERN'S HANDBOOK will love this noir supernatural t...
'A stunning debut.'-Aurealis Magazine'Steeped in other-worldly magic and adventure.' -Andromeda S...
For fans of Samantha Shannon's THE PRIORY OF THE ORANGE TREE comes THE LIFE-GIVER, an exciting ne...
For fans of Holly Black's Cruel Prince.A fae girl with a human heart.A Seelie Queen with a p...
A touching YA fantasy for fans of A QUIET PLACE and PRINCESS MONONOKE.Els never wanted to marry. ...
Featured in Writer's Digest, Kirkus Reviews, Hypable, and MuggleNet.'A spunky and jubilant love l...
For as long as she can remember, Chrysa Markou has longed for Pyrga, her native village in the mo...
While landscaping his backyard, ever-conscientious Paul Prentice discovers an iron door buried in...