After World War II, Anne De Vries, the most popular novelist in the Netherlands, was commissioned...
During a family vacation at a Tulum resort, middle school friends Managi and Pakal are swept into...
Faith, Life and Theology presents a significantly innovative approach to the broad spectrum of qu...
WHAT IS A THING? WHAT IS THE NATURE OF REALITY?There are only 26 letters in the alphabet. But wit...
What is your only comfort in life and death? The Heidelberg Catechism begins with this powerful, ...
Con la edición de este primer volumen de la magna obra Una Nueva Crítica del Pensamiento Teórico ...
This book wishes to tell the story of Eden, from the beginning-even before Genesis 2!-until the v...
The Gospel is Power to Serve. On trial for his life, Jesus said to Pontius Pilate: 'You would hav...
In his momentous and historic address on occasion of the opening of the ICS (Institute for Christ...
Is a systematically coherent Christian philosophy possible? And if so, what are its essential ele...
Since the nineteenth century, many Christian theologians have been converted to the theory of evo...
SEARCHING THE SOUL is the fourth volume by Willem J. Ouweneel that provides introductory insight ...