Seventeen-year-old Kettle has had his share of adversity. As an orphaned Japanese American strugg...
Never trust a witch.For four hundred years, generations of the Family Del Toro and their battle-s...
roken, beaten, and exiled to the Sump, Anna has battled her way back to reality, but she returns ...
'Ride hard, swing hard, and take out as many of those creepy critters as you can.'Twelve year old...
Sleep for three months and wake up perfect.'Total Recall' meets Scott Westerfeld's Uglies...
Imagine you had a road map for writing the book you've always dreamed of writing-a step-by-step g...
When her head is artificially filled with more information than she knows what to do with, Daught...
In tiny, god-forsaken Lazarus, Nebraska, Margo and Hank team up to solve a local murder, with Mar...
Tormented and controlled by little white pills and visions of the woman he'd loved, paramedic Noa...
Joe is a typical Platform teenager, living on the remnants of oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico...
It's not easy being a teenage witch. Seventh grader Abby Shepherd is just getting the hang of it ...
A boy and horse could outrun all the sadness of this flat world. If the boy believed, and the hor...