In the rugged expanse of the West, amidst the sprawling beauty of the ranches, lies the tale of B...
In revolutionary Egypt, adventurers Sam Cassidy and Chen Tao were invited to Alexandria. Professo...
Three and a half years as a Confederate soldier and another year and a half in a prisoner of war ...
John Overstreet Is a father and a husband as he watches the west fade away.They're even pulling u...
John Overstreet was a cowboy for a west Texas ranch when he killed a man in self-defense. Forced ...
In the heart of India, Sam Cassidy and Chen Tao embark on a dangerous mission to track down wild ...
Set in 1905, Texas. In 'Law and Justice', Jess Adams faces his toughest challenge yet as the lawm...
For Bounty Hunter, Everette Harris Jr., better known as THE BISHOP due to his religious up-bringi...
It took Beacher longer than he figured to find the Colorado River. By the time he made camp, the ...
Footprints of a Gunfighter - Sam Turley
He guessed he was about nine years old when he woke up by that dusty road in far west Texas, beat...
In the 3rd Pecos Quinn Western, I tip my hat to Zane Grey, with deep respect. He showed us that e...