In a series of poignant vignettes, a preeminent historian makes a compelling case for Machiavelli...
'Working her way up at a storied Stockholm publisher, a young woman develops an ambiguous, shifti...
'This gripping family memoir of grief, courage, and hope tells the hidden stories of children who...
'A timely, deeply personal biography of a Jewish leader whose questions for Israel have come back...
'In this mesmerizing psychological novel, a strange job leads a widowed photographer down a rabbi...
'In 1789 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart visits the grave of Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig, looking fo...
'A documentary filmmaker uncovers the secrets of an enigmatic author in this subtly enthralling n...
'There are organizations for people who grieve, for alcoholics and other kinds of addicts. But if...
A riveting investigation of the killing of Jordan Neely, the trial of Daniel Penny, and the limit...
'An inventive literary obituary for Kafka, this thriller of love and revenge brings the Cold War ...
'Heady and unsettling, a couple's new life in Lisbon unravels in this psychological thriller from...
'A renowned plant expert explains how we can make urgent, positive changes to our cities that pro...