The Twisted Chain combines a personal story about the impacts of rheumatic fever in Jason Gurney'...
Remembering and Becoming investigates how oral history enriches our understanding of Aotearoa New...
In 1915, 160 Niuean men joined the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, and set sail to Egypt and Fra...
Phoney Wars looks at the lives of New Zealanders during the greatest armed struggle the world has...
The ones who keep quiet for the longest are the dead, yet there are echoes of them everywhere. A ...
Many New Zealand writers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century travelled extensively...
'The University of Otago has always taken pride in its status as New Zealands first university. S...
The title of James Norcliffe's tenth poetry collection points deftly to the way it conveys big em...
'As cultural history, [this] book gives us a participant's-eye view of the early years of Alan Br...