38 Shades Lighter is a collection of thirty-eight thought-provoking and inspiring essays by autho...
The real question in life is not what we might achieve, but whether we have the courage to attemp...
Never Outgrow Small Boreens is a breathtaking and exploration of the soul of Ireland and the dept...
Saoirse and Oisin are good friends and fellow bicycle riding enthusiasts in Ireland, who have alw...
38 Shades Lighter is a collection of thirty-eight thought-provoking and inspiring essays by autho...
Children don't need perfection. They need connection. With these simple words a new world of par...
This book is a must-read to help you succeed and thrive in your first job. The author outlines 50...
BETRAYAL' is a gripping murder mystery novel set in rural Ireland in the 1960s. A dark psychologi...
Wise quotations can be defined as a group of words from an original author showing experience, kn...
A Day of Hope is the true story of how one man endured almost five decades of abuse, failed marri...
Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, and who or what that is cannot be determined easily.Afte...
One womans journey from childhood trauma to the healing and blessings she received by inviting Je...