Three teenagers in a stolen truck, chasing the American dream. Hot on their tail, the angry truck...
A beautiful, collectible, pop-up with a simple, charming text, illustrating the passing of the se...
The popular Australian author behind the collections 'Unbelievable!' and 'Unreal!' as well as the...
Madeline Finn does not like to read. Fortunately, she meets Bonnie, a library dog. Reading aloud ...
In a climate changed world, this adventure with sinkholes, crocodiles, sharks, pirates, floating ...
The third in a loosely connected series of novellas which started with 'A Different Dog', followe...
The complete and unabridged text is adorned with the glowing illustrations of Alison Jay. Her sig...
A girl with a brain injury and a boy who is a former child soldier trying to escape his past meet...
Set in a future Australia, a time when there are no bees and children are employed to scramble th...
The true story of a bear cub adopted by Polish soldiers in WW2. Wojtek travelled, fought and ulti...
A highly original, gripping and surprising story of a boy who can't speak, a dog, and a daring re...
Charlie is an anxious dachshund who worries that something terrible might happen if he doesn't ke...