The Sacred Riveris a gripping and compelling political thriller that revolves around a post-indep...
InDivine Infinity Love,Nash Ndemotakes the subject of love head on. Love, a universal theme, is p...
Kivuli cha Sakawa (Sakawa's Ghost) , written in Kiswahili, the major lingua franca in the East Af...
Christopher Okemwa's Chubot, the Cursed & Other Stories is a collection that captures society's r...
Juve and Mark are friends brought together by need. Through a meeting with Wendy, theyform a bond...
InLearning Entrepreneurship Through Indigenous Knowledgethe authors extract knowledge from a samp...
Jaspher Rori'sA Beacon of Hope starts its story from a village in Manga that had shunnededucation...
'Imali Abala'sThe Dreameris a book-length poem; a poetic novella, an unrelenting meditation upon ...
Foreign Languages: Lessons from the Past and Innovations for the Future delves into topics that c...
Like most cultural groups, the oral tradition of Abagusii People of Kenya is expressed inamong ot...
Language plays a major role in the development of societies and nations.Themes in Language, Educa...
The GONGOf my childhood rings louderIts echo hurtles in, fasterCatching up with meEvery night in ...