'Proven Not Perfect: 7 Truths of a Corporate Executive, Mommy, Wife, and Christian,' is a book of...
Hey Rock Star! Often times we walk around life lost, confused and dazed. As soon as we think we h...
'Winning from within' is not an easy breezy two-step process. It is an internal triumph where the...
What would happen if all of God's children undoubtedly realized and recognized that God IS OUR FA...
What would you do if you were able to live in a world far less from imperfect? A place where all ...
Jonathan White is a mentor, speaker, and expert sales trainer. Through his company 'Jonathan Whit...
What happens when the power of habit is partnered with the power of connection? What do you gain ...
Many individuals have strained relationships with their fathers, which they carry into their need...
Scriptures That Brought Me Through is not your average devotional. In it, Author Nichole Ellingto...
This is a caregiver's story from pain to prayer. Imagine if the different roads you traveled in l...
Writing a Book Just Got Easier!Do you want to write a book but don't know where to start? Do you ...
Girl Stop Running is intended to help readers grow mentally and spiritually, as this book will al...