The inspirational and autobiographical tale of Christmas Under Northern Lights is, at its heart, ...
Enamored with stars and celestial tracking, a young girl embarks on a trip to see a different sky...
Checkmate is a comprehensive look into the current Middle Eastern political and strategic reality...
Magical Selling: Engineering Enterprise Sales Success on Any Team, in Any Industry, and in Any Ec...
Pass the Missouri Insurance Exams: A Study Guide for Property and Casualty Producers
Many children are adopted every day and become someone's dream come true.One of these children is...
Cooper: Chronicles of a four-legged foodie
The Adventures of Camellia N. 'Under the Sea' (Mom's Choice Gold Seal for Excellence) is the...
Fire and Water Cooking: The fusion of Smoking, Grilling, and Sous Vide Cooking
'In a city levitating among the clouds, a translator of ancient languages casts his mind down to ...
A Night Unlike Any Other: A Christmas Poem
The Adventures of Camellia N. The Rainforest is the third in a series of award-winning environmen...