This critical interpretation of the origins of modern fiction follows the transformation of the p...
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries imprisoned black women faced wrenching forms...
Drawn from the life narratives of more than seventy African American queer women who were born, r...
Thousands of women pursued artistic careers in the United States during the late nineteenth centu...
In this ethnography of Navajo (Diné) popular music culture, Kristina M. Jacobsen examines questio...
Recent scholarship on slavery has explored the lives of enslaved people beyond the watchful eye o...
The Colorado River region looms large in the history of the American West, vitally important in t...
The gun-toting woman holds enormous symbolic significance in American culture. For over two centu...
This pioneering work traces the emergence of the modern and contemporary art of Muslim South Asia...
Do we live in basically orderly societies that occasionally erupt into violent conflict, or do we...
How do you love and not like the same thing at the same time? This was the riddle that met Missis...
In a work that spans the twentieth century, Nancy Tomes questions the popular -- and largely unex...