Historians have long been interested in knowledgeits nature and origin, and the circumstances und...
Bilden av det förgångna tolkas alltid genom de tankemönster samtiden tillhandahåller, och olika t...
Ämnet kön och våld är ständigt aktuellt. I Mordmisshandel och sexuella övergrepp tar historiker,...
Först från och med 1970-talet talar vi på ett självklartsätt om brottsoffer och tar ansvar för de...
The study of Old Norse religion is a truly multidisciplinary and international field of research....
This edited volume showcases new examples - previously untold stories of images, photographers, p...
This is the first comprehensive account in English of the agrarian history of Sweden from Neolith...
Best-sellers are the books that sell well, are read by large numbers of people, and are widely ta...
The history of man is to a large extent the history of organisations. For as long as there are wr...
The endless wars of the seventeenth century took their toll in the lives of millions of soldiers ...
This is a unique study of gender and migration. Written by researchers from Denmark, Finland, Nor...
'Big Science' is a broad epithet that can be associated with research projects as diffe...