Few poets' roots go deeper than the Romantics; Jill Alexander Essbaum's reach all the way to the ...
Hilarity in the vault! A man without a face and an ever-shifting position on things: sheer terror...
'Material (as in' concrete': glassine -- O liquid!) but abstract, say Miro in dialogue with Picas...
The gorgeous simplicity of Laurel Snyder's language makes all the possibilities-and the impossibi...
Do we slight desire when we say crush? No, Lea Graham seems to answer, we praise it. Less like a ...
The images in this book vibrate. 'Mars hangs above you like a meat chime.' 'An ovary red dress.' ...
Edited by Reb Livingston and Molly Arden, the second volume of No Tell Motel's Bedside Guide expl...
Reb Livingston (hymnographer, crier of laments, wry chronicler of blockages, seepages and Thingam...
Hugh Behm-Steinberg's Shy Green Fields is in company with books by poets who wrote about glorious...
Santa Fe. the swagger of the ransom of the made-up funeral 'Leave me alone Tony Randall' All acci...