Every Autumn strange figures start appearing around the town of Kentville, Nova Scotia, saunterin...
The most important message that moms deliver is underscored by love.
Bud the Spud relays Stompin Tom Connors' famous and irresistable song about potatoes, in lively s...
The story of the original Bluenose has permeated maritime lore, but the truth is more riveting th...
Bluenose, maritime, holiday, Christmas, Yuletide, carols, twelve days of christmas
Simon and his daring sidekick, Catapult Man, navigate the dangers of the neighborhood playground....
historical facts, Atlantic Canada, trivia
From a small-town law office in Nova Scotia to the boardrooms of London, England, where he was Pr...
Linda Moore's long-awaited sequel to Foul Deeds is another highly engaging mix of art and environ...
Uprooted, longing for love and to feel somehow situated, Willa Jackson flees life as a military w...