Astrology for Yourself is designed to introduce you to the language, art, and science of astrolog...
'. . . Deathing offers much comfort and reassurance, in its relief of the helplessness of those w...
The author expounds on C. G. Jung's concept of the existence of both masculine and feminine arche...
This is the first full-length biography of British historian Frances Yates, author of such acclai...
Arbatel, which first appeared in 1575, is often quoted and reprinted, both praised and condemned,...
C. G. JUNG has been called an atheist, a modern Gnostic heretical theologian, and a critical phil...
- A source document of magical ritual instruction.- Insight into the occult symbolism of the taro...
'When the Dragon Wore the Crown-Center and Circle covers a period of approximately six thousand y...
This is the story of the author's journey to discover the 'certain something' that works silently...
'Inspired by James Hilton's 1933 novel Lost Horizon, Laurence Brahm went in search of the mystica...
C. G. JUNG, who accomplished nothing short of a revolution in analytical psychology, made a uniqu...
Based on Levenda's research into Mormonism, Freemasonry and esoteric societies over the past thir...