For every question and for every problem, there is ascriptural promised answer and scriptural pro...
This project is intended to answer two central questions: to what extentdo we concern ourselves w...
Christian Life Coaching, What is a Christian Life Coach? The Pastor, coach, counselor, client rel...
This book is written to be helpful to ministers who are serving as a bivocational pastor or are c...
FOR MANY CHRISTIANSTHEOLOGY ISSOMETHING ALIEN,overly intellectual and really not that appealing...
Endorsement:Minister's Guidebook is an incarnational work written out of the crucible of Dr. Mo...
A study of the four gospels. Insightful truths about God's word that you might have missed in you...
This book is an attempt to analyze the historic roles of the black church and the black preacher ...
Dr. Glenn W. Mollette has been writing most of his life. He is the author of numerous books. Ch...
A vision for Christian education, Christian School Institutions, An Academic Program with an Emph...
This book addresses the battle for healthy Christian marriages.The failure of one marriage produc...