When Sawoo gets bullied in high school, his only friend Kido promises to teach him the three rule...
Chaeun finds himself emotionally attached to Moonhoo, but soon discovers the true identity of Moo...
Love is in the air as Yohan and Yoonsung become affectionate. Yohan struggles to handle this new ...
During a titanic battle with a monstrous bug, Chaeun's protective mentor Geumpyo suffers a devast...
'Dohyun Kim suddenly finds himself tied up in a warehouse. He's been kidnapped by an enigmatic st...
Ripley and Zeronis save a drowning child who happens to be the crown prince of Archen.Welcomed by...
The replica plantation on Mars is built and Chio is appointed general manager. He isdetermined no...
The mafia threatens Ewon into working for a loan shark, and he's forced to run dangerous errands ...
From the creators of the bestselling romance drama 'Full House' comes a tragic tale of forbidden ...
Currently a bestseller in Korea, this fantasy is a fairy tale with a twist.
The fourth volume in the CATSBY saga starts with an ominous dream--featuring some all-too-literal...