Despite the seeming chaos, God's loving song of redemtion echoes through every fiber of creation....
In this seminal work on holiness Mildred Wynkoop brought to the forefront the understanding that ...
For centuries, many metaphors have attempted to explain this astounding work of God, but none has...
Jesus was fully God and fully human, but sometimes we forget the human part and focus soley on th...
Engaging, perceptive, and academically thorough, the NEW BEACON BIBLE COMMENTARY will expand your...
Comprising six sections of collected wisdom sayings, the book of Proverbs is a challenging read. ...
Churches tend to focus--rightly so--on spiritual care for parishioners, but what if your church a...
Scholars have long debated over the authorship and significance of the Pastoral Epistles-1 and 2 ...
Prominent in both Judaism and Christianity, Isaiah is a book about redemption. Consisting of two ...
Christians believe many different things. Distinguishing the essentials from the nonessentials se...
From oppression to deliverance to intimacy with God, the storyline of Exodus influences the entir...
Today's college students are in the midst ofa seismic shift. They are balancing dramaticchanges i...