The rescue of the Danish Jews in 1943 is well-known all over the world. What is less known is the...
Marcus Meibom (16301711) is not a well-known figure today, but in his day he was a controversial ...
An exploration of how the concept of power, gender and mobility interwove into social and linguis...
Den altdominerende faktor i Kap Farvel områdets historie i 1800-tallet var indvandringen af folk ...
Ideas in History is the result of collaborative efforts among nearly a dozen universities and col...
Ideas in History is the result of collaborative efforts among nearly a dozen universities and col...
Ideas in History is the result of collaborative efforts among nearly a dozen universities and col...
Monographs on Greenland Meddelelser om Grønland
Tocharian and Indo-European Studies is the central publication for the study of two closely relat...
Archaeological Investigations in the Thule District. Analytical Part
Tocharian and Indo-European Studies is the central publication for the study of two closely relat...
Ideas in History is the result of collaborative efforts among nearly a dozen universities and col...