In Nazi-occupied Poland, Rosa Dunovich faces a terrifying reality: to save her daughter, she must...
Stand is a call to really live. To live out your Christian life - standing on the truth of who Go...
A beautiful, original and compelling invitation into the drama, wonder and mystery of the Christm...
Journey afresh into the wonder, beauty, and glory to be found in the age-old story of Christmas
At the heart of everything is one very good idea--the true currency of our society, the key to al...
Following the life of Jesus from the crib to the cross, to the resurrection and the promise that ...
'Grant Smith is not an enthusiastic missionary. He's a problem-solver. When confronted with the d...
Amid the instructions on wave offerings and hair cutting tucked away in the book of Numbers, we f...
'Fully revised - all new content on gaming'--Cover.
The communications technologies that now permeate our every waking moment open up endless possibi...
According to the World Health Organization, hundreds of millions of people around the world strug...
Alain Emerson felt like the luckiest man in the world. A talented young pastor of a thriving chur...