On the Verge of the Verb is an epic quest leading to a radically creative and healing celebratory...
The saga of the Choosers of the Slain continues.Battle-lord Odin is amassing all his divine power...
The saga of the Choosers of the Slain continues.Battle-lord Odin is amassing all his divine power...
This book discusses the Native Americans' concepts of the Sacred Landscapes, Ceremonial Landscape...
First-person accounts from pioneers of the Hip Culture of Santa Cruz in the 1960s, 1970s, and 198...
This book is a chronological journey of the kitchens in Julie Kalt Gale's life. The book is a mem...
A memoir of a half-century search for the meaning of life through meditation, visions and study w...
When Barbara Klar created her first piece of jewelry 50 years ago, she had no idea of the journey...
In the lineage of James Merrill and Philip Larkin, the poems in Basic Training are presented in t...
This book is a guide to establishing a personal movement practice that can serve as the foundatio...