Not long after losing her father, ten-year-old Jess Alexander faces devastating news when her gra...
Mary Oxendine is on top of the charts and should be on top of the world. For the past five years,...
Time is not a friend and death is like a shadow. Seth knows his season, and Jazzline must push th...
Jazzline Chicand has summer plans before her senior year to play video games with her brother Ale...
Finding God in the routine of our day can sometimes be a challenge. We can feel alone and far rem...
Graceland Johnson and Noble Chavis had a secret he took with him to the grave. Now, Noble is back...
Ghoul School is back in session after summer vacation. On the first week back, someone's stirring...
Samuel Adams Squirrelly is on a mission. He must save Christmas Mountain from the red-tailed hawk...
Mackenzie Hart, a middle school teacher and hometown sweetheart, is about to be married to Jordan...
Ghoul School is having their Harvest Moon Dance, and Vlad Valconi wants to ask Sara Howl to be hi...
Jazzline Chicand must do more than make a trip to Scotland to plan her wedding.Alex and Tucker's ...
Lyric is a typical teen, or that's what she's always thought. She's into every kind of music imag...