Each title in this series explores the ethical issues involved in monitoring, developing and cont...
This series for students of 11-14 years offers accessible introductions to the science syllabuses...
Pharoah has given Setna a important trusted mission but he will have to leave Egypt, home, and sa...
A recurring nightmare of Kojo's gives Sima an idea for a game set in a medieval castle. The trio ...
Agent Parker finds some interesting ways to show Tumbull that her no boyfriend is no reliable, re...
This is one in a series of books following Laura and Robert through off-beat, supernatural myster...
This title explores the jobs within the healthcare and social work sectors, including doctors, nu...
This title explores the Roman invasion in 43 AD and how it changed British life forever. It looks...
John Logie Baird was Scottish engineer, innovator, and one of the inventors of the mechanical tel...
Celebrating Harvest starts from what children may already know about fruits and vegetables. It ex...
Welcome to the future... The year is 2811 and new laws mean that everyone has to retire at the ag...
Kojo, Tom and Sima can't wait to play their snowboarding game for real. But Kojo puts their lives...