Myths of Gomba' is a captivating story set in a Nigerian village called Gomba. It follows the jou...
Chala's Myths is a delightful collection of Nigerian folklore, centered around the fearless young...
I still recall joining Adé, a young hero on an unforgettable journey into the mystical Whispering...
This book talk about an adventure-filled tale that follows the journey of two friends, Zuma and A...
The story follows the journey of Amara and Chidi, two researchers drawn together by a shared pass...
From the tranquil villages along the Benue River to the misty hills of ancestral lands, Ogebe tra...
The story unfolds with the discovery of an ancient prophecy foretelling the arrival of a chosen o...
Garuwan's Mythology is an epic tale set in a vibrant Nigerian village, where Garuwan, a young lea...
Guided by ancient wisdom and confronted by trials that test his courage and resilience, Makama na...
From dense forests to towering mountains and vast deserts, Lontron faces trials that test not onl...
The story follows Akin, a young warrior chosen by the Ogboni council to confront shadows that thr...
In theland of Umueze, where tradition meets the beauty of nature, a young girl named Liola discov...