Sense and Sensibility, written by the beloved English author Jane Austen, is a timeless tale of t...
The following lectures, presented to the public as the fourth course of Madras University Special...
The organizations of today are longing for sustainable growth, andthis book discusses the suitabl...
Chapter 1 - Proteins - Basics, Chapter 2 - Enzymes- Fundamentals, Chapter 3 - Proteins in Diagnos...
With more and more people depending upon interactive software applications, web applications, mob...
Effective communication is an essential requirement of any prospectiveemployee. To be adept in co...
Globalization has changed the facets of the entire business world. Henceforth, management as a di...
Research is a systematic or scientific investigation to search for solutions toexisting or future...
The advent of electron microscopes has opened up new vistas in the field of science. The ultrastr...
In this book the author has divided the literary history of the century into three periods, denom...
Chapter I - Introduction, Chapter II - Energy and Development: Evidences from Global to Local, Ch...