Novelist Liang Xiaosheng's Confessions of a Red Guard relates minor, intensely personal incidents...
Several decades after the Korean War, the unnamed narrator, an orphan in his early teens, is take...
A collection of memoirs from more than fifty zhiqings or young Chinese who suffered under the rei...
Although a bit scholarly this book is a timely addition to current happenings in Asia.
Even before the Japanese first ventured abroad in the modern era, they came to understand that Sh...
In the small market town of Heaven's Turn on the Chengdu Plain, a simple-minded shopkeeper has ma...
This volume looks in detail at trade between the Qing dynasty and the Edo shogunate primarily in ...
Presents two stories by Yi Chong-jun. Worm Story was originally published in 1985, and was adapte...
'It is rare indeed to find so many important themes in U.S.-China relations addressed with both h...
Alai has said that he seeks to demystify Tibet and to depict the Tibetan reality--the 'noun' rath...
Kim Yeong-nang (1903-1950) is highly reputed in Korea for the delicate lyricism of his poems. Yet...