This groundbreaking edition merges print, and online formats into one convenient package, providi...
For grades 7 & up! This best-selling bilingual, bidirectional dictionary is designed to help user...
New Edition! The book that millions of SCRABBLE players consider the only necessary resource. Mor...
An easy-to-use, alphabetical guide for creating rhymes. Features 67,000 words with rhyming sounds...
A new edition of the essential thesaurus for students grades 5-8, ages 10-14.
'More than 50,000 clear, concise translations provide coverage of basic vocabulary and idioms to ...
A compact bilingual, bi-directional guide to Spanish and American English designed for 3-ring bin...
For grades 5 & up! More than 22,500 words and concepts in Spanish and English. More than 8,000 hi...
'This volume has been updated with the addition of about 275 new entries. Front matter and alpha ...
For Grades 11 & up. Find the right word every time with this indispensable guide! Concise definit...
This newly revised visual dictionary contains nearly 25,000 terms with dictionary-scale definitio...
Information about the core vocabulary of English is combined with a wealth of facts and figures a...