You began by learning to count points, but that only got you so far. Then, someone introduced you...
This is a rare account of the horrors of the WWII death camps from someone who experienced them.
Highly entertaining celebration of the best and worst moments in the career of celebrity Swedish ...
Ten years after their award-winning Planning the Play of a Bridge Hand, Seagram & Bird tackle the...
The fourth and final collection of lost 'Menagerie' stories by legendary bridge writer Victor Mol...
20 years ago, Mike Lawrence published a series of short pamphlets for intermediate players with a...
The classic first book on declarer play at bridge, revised and updated to bring it into line with...
A guide for card players who wants to learn how to recognize when the opponents are trying falsec...
The ultimate collection of bridge stuff, with something for everyone from the beginner to the exp...
Beyond Roman Key Card Blackwood!Easley Blackwood introduced and developed the Blackwood Conventio...
This is not a book for beginners, and will not bore you with rehashing things you already know. S...
Bridge-playing Professor Silver returns in this new collection of short stories which combine lit...