YAW marks a sharp departure in tone and structure from Dani Couture's previous two acclaimed poet...
'This is no typical mid-life crisis. Poet Priscila Uppal, faced with a very serious and frighteni...
punchlines is a lyric long poem that probes the poetic tensions in the everyday languages of comp...
What do we know of history, and what, if anything, does it have to do with the present? 'A halt, ...
In First Comes Love, Pino Coluccio takes family matters, high school angst, dead end jobs, and en...
Leigh Nash's first full-length poetry collection is jammed with surprises and conundrums: lovesic...
'Catullus (c. 84 - 53 BC) was raised in a leading equestrian family in Verona. At twenty he moved...
Saint Twin is a collection of story poems, short lyrics, long walks, tiny chapters and fake psalm...
'Nightlight for Children of Insomniacs is a feminist collection of poetry that examines the legac...
Guardian of the gates of hell, brightest star in the night sky, the dog is the saucy, swaggering,...
Unless Acted Upon, a book which in its heart of hearts wants to be a Rube Goldberg machine, explo...
In language that is direct as the noon-day sun Toronto's Poet Laureate, Pier Giorgio Di Cicco ret...